
View all your business data in one place and easily keep up with reporting that can help run your practice.

Reportabl. - all your practice management reporting in one place!

Centralise your administrative reporting

Grow and manage your practice with insightful reporting with Reportabl.

By linking the data from your Cliniko account, website, accounting software, and social media platforms, you’ll be able to spend less time creating your own reporting and more time focused on client care.

All your data in one place

Get the powerful insights you need to increase your bookings, revenue, and client retention. View your data by the day, month, clinician, or by revenue types. And best of all, Reportabl. does all the work for you, so you can keep your attention on helping your clients heal.

Get started today

Connecting your accounts is easy. Just add your Cliniko API key to Reportabl., and you’re all set. If any questions pop up along the way, Reportabl.'s support team is standing by to help.