Work culture

We work a little differently at Cliniko. Here's how (and why).

  • How Cliniko does customer support

    Taking care of our customers genuinely matters to us and we’re committed to providing excellent customer support. Here’s what we do and why.

  • Are conferences worth it for marketing?

    Conferences can be expensive and hard to measure, especially compared to digital marketing. So why do we do them? Here’s what we learned from our last two conferences, including how we designed our stand, our list of must-haves for the event, and what made it worthwhile for us.

  • Why we have a six-hour workday at Cliniko

    Diligently spending eight hours a day at your desk doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being productive! It sounds like a paradox, but at Cliniko we feel that a shorter workday allows us to be more efficient.

  • Authenticity in the workplace

    Authenticity has never been more important! This post describes why we believe in authenticity so much at Cliniko, how we try to achieve it in our workplace, and some reasons that it might work for your business too.

  • Cliniko in Phuket

    Here’s a rundown of what we got up to on our recent 2023 company get-together and why spending time together in person is so valuable.

  • We miss you, Bill

    We were devastated when our friend and colleague Bill Heller passed away in January. Losing this kind and gentle human being has left a void in the Cliniko team.

  • Values and ethics at Cliniko

    At Cliniko we’re committed to being ethical. This post explains our values, some of the actions we take, and why it’s such a central part of the Cliniko ethos.

  • Why Cliniko has meetups

    Read our thoughts on why a company meetup is one of the best things you could organise for your team.

  • It's just business

    'It's just business'—or is it? In this short post, our founder Joel explains why he believes this seemingly innocent phrase can be harmful to company culture.

  • Why we have no meetings at Cliniko

    Can good communication and decision-making happen without meetings? In this post, our founder Joel explains why we don't have meetings at Cliniko and what we do instead.

  • 3 ways Cliniko has learned to make remote

    Cliniko has always been a remote company. We've learned a lot of lessons over the years and discovered that effective communication, flexible schedules, and personal support can create some incredible results while your team is working from home.

  • 5,118 reasons why our hiring process matters

    At Cliniko, we created a custom hiring process to help us make the best selections for our team. We’ve been charting our own path for years, but never has our grand idea been more truly tested than during our most recent hiring campaign when we received 5,118 applications.

  • Managing a remote team during COVID-19

    Our founder Joel Friedlaender has been running Cliniko as a fully-remote and globally-dispersed company for the past ten years. As many businesses are forced to work from home, he shares some lessons he's learned along the way.

  • How we hire

    We've put together a really great team at Red Guava (the company behind Cliniko). This is a post about how we've done that.