How your Cliniko subscription fee helps make the world a little better
Did you know that by using Cliniko you're also helping some incredible charitable organisations? Here's the latest update on how we're using part of our revenue (meaning your subscription fees!) to support good causes around the world.
Michelle Geslewitz·
It’s always been our goal to try and make the world a better place as we grow, and we’re as committed as ever to donating a minimum of 2% of our revenue to charities and organisations that make a difference.
When we say ‘revenue’, we mean your subscription payments. Our donations are only possible because of you. So, first of all, thank you! 🙏
Our main charity partner is Beyond The Orphanage (BTO) and we’re very proud to support the life-changing work they do. You can follow BTO’s efforts on their blog—we’ll also update you on their latest projects from time to time, too.
In addition to BTO, we’re thrilled to announce that your subscriptions are now supporting three more outstanding not-for-profit projects, handpicked by the Cliniko team.Below, you’ll find more information on the new organisations we’re supporting and why we believe they’re making a positive impact.
On-going donations
Your subscriptions are helping to protect the world’s oceans.
Sea Shepherd’s mission is to conserve, defend, and protect the world’s oceans and marine life. As of March 2021, we’ll be making monthly donations to support their work stopping “exploitation and environmental destruction” in oceans and seas around the world.
Sea Shepherd is best known for patrolling spots where illegal whaling takes place and confronting ship crews that are violating local or international law.
Donations are used to maintain and fuel their vessels used in these activities, as well as to support research projects and fund the prosecution of criminal activity.
Sea Shepherd is a popular choice amongst our team. Here’s why:
“Sea Shepherd takes direct action to protect ocean wildlife and the global ecosystem. They're a relatively small group of people who have taken it upon themselves to enforce the UN World Charter for Nature. They do it with little support from governments worldwide. That's why I'm happy our work on Cliniko can support their very important mission.” - John (Developer)
“Sea Shepherd has been on the front lines trying to protect marine life for decades and their campaigns have never been more urgent or important. Their volunteers are deeply passionate and committed to saving the seas, and I’m proud Cliniko is now supporting them.” - Katie (Customer Support)
Sea Shepherd protects marine life from illegal activity around the world.
One-off donations
Your subscriptions are furnishing a school in rural Kenya.
Simba for Kids aims to improve the lives of children in the Elgeyo Marakwet region of Kenya. While walking through the region in early 2019, Swiss-born Julien Lyon and his Kenyan wife, Lavina, were saddened by the poor state of a local school and the extreme level of poverty in the area. They founded Simba for Kids to improve the living conditions of children there, so they can live with dignity.
Simba for Kids identifies families in need and provides assistance to help them start generating recurring income. They fund school fees and uniforms so children can get an education, and they improve the conditions of local schools by providing materials and upgrading infrastructure.
100% of Simba for Kids donations go directly to their projects, which are staffed and managed by tireless volunteers.
Our teammate, Melanie (Finance), recommended we donate to Simba for Kids because she believes in their work and supports them personally. She wanted to support one of their projects in particular:
“The learning conditions at a local village school in Iten are quite challenging, as they lack enough tables and chairs to accommodate all of the children in their classrooms. Their current situation sees four children to a bench seat which is designed for two. Simba for Kid’s goal was to purchase 60 desks and books for their 200 students, and Cliniko provided the financial support they need to make these purchases.”
Your subscriptions are improving the lives of social care recipients in Bulgaria.
Sunflower is a Bulgarian charity that supports the elderly, disabled, or disadvantaged people who rely on the social care system. Dara (Customer Support) lives locally and originally got in touch with this organisation when he wanted to make a personal donation. When he shared what they had been through the past year with the wider team, Cliniko decided to boost his contribution.
Here is what the Cliniko donation means for Sunflower, in Dara’s own words:
“The Sunflower donation sources are mostly from tourists, foreigners moving here, local businesses/restaurants, and two big fundraising events during the year. The last year was their hardest ever: no tourism, businesses closures meant no extra cash, and all events were cancelled. This money will have an incredible impact.”
Thank you for choosing Cliniko and helping to make all of this possible. The more we grow, the more good we can achieve together.
Hello everyone! It’s Joel from Cliniko here, I just wanted to share a little from a very emotional and inspiring experience we had the other night. I’d really appreciate you reading through this one if you have the time.
Our video wunderkind, and Cliniko support team member, Rachel, headed off to Nepal in October 2018 to see firsthand the impact that Cliniko subscription donations are making to HIV/AIDS affected, and homeless children.
Beyond The Orphanage (BTO) have begun the rollout of their EmPower program. Through “EmPower” Cliniko has provided laptops for children and also ongoing training including learning how to code. BTO's Alison Stieven-Taylor interviews Cliniko's Rachel about the program.