Watch our recording of Adapting your Business: Marketing your clinic during COVID-19
Joel and Michelle took to YouTube to discuss all things marketing during COVID-19. Whether your clinic is temporarily closed, running telehealth appointments only or open with restrictions, we hope you'll find some useful information below!
Michelle Geslewitz·
Michelle takes your live questions.
The world is a different place in light of COVID-19, but that doesn't mean you should stop your marketing efforts. Instead, take a moment to consider how your patients' lives have changed, and think about how you can help them emerge from the pandemic healthy and safe. Incidentally, that will also be your ticket to bouncing back business-wise once we're through this challenging period.
We have more content on the way all about marketing your clinic during COVID-19, but in the meantime, we decided to hold a live Q&A on YouTube to try and answer your biggest questions. We covered a lot of ground!
You can view the recording from our session here:
Our Youtube recording of 'Marketing your clinic during COVID-19'
Some of the top questions we answered in our live event include:
Does marketing still matter if my clinic has temporarily closed?
In our opinion, absolutely. Maintaining communication with your existing clients is a crucial way to protect your business when the crisis has passed. You want your clients to have a great experience with your brand online, so it's important to make it easy for them to find out what's happening at your practice via your website, Google My Business, and social media.
Should I keep spending money on advertising?
That depends on how well your campaigns are performing and how much your business has slowed down as a result of COVID-19. You may be seeing a decrease in cost per thousand views (CPM) but an increase in your conversion costs. Are you still meeting your objectives in terms of your cost per lead or cost per acquired customer? If you need to conserve cash, don't panic: there's plenty of organic marketing you can do to help build your brand and get the word out in your community, so that when things improve you'll have a larger audience of people interested in your services.
Consider content marketing for your blog and social media as a way to keep increasing the number of people aware of your clinic and what you do. Then, when they need your services, you're much more likely to come top of mind.
Should I put my clinic on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, etc...?
You don’t need to be on every single channel nor to be "perfect" on the ones you do choose to use. You should try to be consistent once you have found a platform that works for you, and the effort you put in now to learn more about how your clients engage with you online will be worth it. If your time and resources are limited, think carefully about which social media channels are most likely to be popular with your customers based on their age, gender, and lifestyle. This report gives some insight into social media demographics if you need some help getting started.
The larger platforms like Facebook and YouTube have value in that they're actually some of the biggest search engines in the world, too! So even if you decide not to post content frequently on these channels, it would be shrewd to create some evergreen content about your clinic to be found there, with your contact details and information about what you do.
Helpful links and tools
Here are links to all the sites we mentioned in the recording, plus a few more for good measure. All of the tools included have a free version, though some have paid-only features. Note that if you share your information with any third parties, you may be contacted or receive marketing from them.
Telehealth badges Made by us, free for you to use anywhere. These illustrations are optimised for Facebook and Instagram.
Google My Business
Google’s guidelines for COVID-19 A step by step guide to updating your GMB profile with temporary closures or changes and includes a section just for healthcare practitioners.
SEO guides & tools
Free SEO audit Assesses your onsite keyword usage, schema, and site speed so you can make improvements to increase your clinic’s visibility on search engines. The people who made this tool also do an excellent podcast on local SEO for service businesses.
SEMRush Writing Assistant The plugins for Chrome and Wordpress are free to use and will help you to ensure the content you write for your site is well optimised for your most important keywords.
Free SEO training Moz Academy is temporarily free, so if you have some spare time on your hands and are up for learning more about SEO, make sure you check it out by the end of May.
Social media guides & tools
Facebook Creator Studio A simple to use interface for posting and scheduling your Facebook and Instagram posts from your desktop.
Facebook Creative Hub Facebook’s own creative mock-up tool, ideal for creating ads or looking for post inspiration.
Grammarly A free writing assistant that checks your spelling and grammar, and also makes editorial suggestions.
SourceBottle Australia-focused press platform connecting journalists and businesses. We've noticed a lot of journalists are looking to speak with allied health professionals about COVID-19 in recent weeks. You’re not guaranteed a link back to your clinic’s site, but it’s a great way to raise your profile.
We recently caught up with Stephen King and Andrew Lemon of Movement Assessment Technologies to chat about how they use objective assessments to treat their patients via telehealth. See the recording and learn more about their methods.
Learn about how you can get started offering ergonomic assessments with telehealth so you can adapt your clinic for COVID-19. Our live broadcast with Heath and Wade of Corporate Work Health Australia covers everything you need to know. Watch the replay to see what was discussed.
Our recording of Joel and Pete's chat about the recent addition of Australian telehealth bulk billing rebates is here! See the video that can answer all your questions about doing Medicare rebates through telehealth.