What’s new with Cliniko — February 2022
Find out what's been happening at Cliniko lately! Meet our new hires, learn about our upcoming Q&A event, and revisit our top updates from last year.
This Cliniko & Coffee was an early start for Joel, who answered your questions live on air and had a few surprise announcements in store.
Aisling Smith·
The questions came in fast and furious for our latest Cliniko & Coffee session! We received more than 100 questions ahead of the session plus many more during the livestream. Our founder Joel brewed his favourite coffee (filter coffee done with a pour-over of course!) and got down to answering as many of them as possible.
If you have a question that wasn’t covered, please reach out to our support team – either within Cliniko itself or by sending an email. You can also use our new features request form to let us know about any changes to Cliniko you’d really like to see.
You can watch the full replay to hear everything Joel said in detail, but here are some highlights.
Many of you have been asking for improvements to Cliniko’s letter function, such as being able to include images or use different kinds of formatting. All of this is on our list and something we’re treating as a priority! We also know that being able to add your signature is particularly important – the development team is currently in the process of adding this for invoices, but being able to use a signature in letters should come quite soon afterwards. At the same time, we’re also working on improving the editing function, which will apply to letters and emails, but requires a bit of behind the scenes effort to make it happen. So the short answer is yes, you’ll see some improvements in letters soon and we’re hoping to tackle treatment notes after that!
Yes! This is a very recent change we’ve made to Cliniko which should be available in the next few days. This feature means that you’ll be able to automatically notify patients when an appointment is cancelled. It also has a customisable template you’ll be able to change to suit your practice.
This is specifically for Australian customers and, yes, we’re super excited that this new feature is now live! If you’re in Australia and using the Medipass integration, you can now process DVA claims. Learn everything you need to know to be able to do this.
We don’t do any development with these third parties (which we call connected apps) – they’re independent companies who build their own products and will typically charge you their own fees to use their platforms. But they use our API, which is an interface that allows them to connect to your Cliniko account with your permission. While we have good relationships with our connected apps, we’re not able to verify or endorse what they’re offering. So although we definitely recommend checking them out, we also advise you to do your own due diligence – make sure that they’re adhering to the security and privacy requirements of your region, and that they’re delivering what you want. That being said, these apps are a big part of the Cliniko ecosystem and can add a lot of increased functionality for you – we’re always working to build more features into Cliniko, but using apps can offer you a whole range of extra possibilities. You can visit the dedicated section of our website to see all the different services that are connected with Cliniko.
A behind the scenes look at Joel's latest coffee and livestream set up.
If you’re making pour-over coffee, it’s a good idea to rinse your filter paper with hot water before brewing your coffee. It’ll heat up the jug and the V60, as well as getting rid of some of the yucky papery flavour that can come from a filter!
Cliniko & Coffee will be back later in the year! Make sure you’re following our social accounts or sign up to receive updates on our upcoming educational events.
Find out what's been happening at Cliniko lately! Meet our new hires, learn about our upcoming Q&A event, and revisit our top updates from last year.
Curious to know what the Cliniko team are currently working on? Interested in learning how Joel makes his lattes? Our recording of Cliniko & Coffee 2021 features questions from clinicians around the world and a fresh update on what's coming up next for Cliniko.
Curious about how your Cliniko subscription fee is helping to protect marine life and habitats? In this inspiring live chat, Jeff explains how Sea Shepherd uses our donations and much more. Watch the replay here!